Services based in Jacksonville, NC
Black and White Film Dev and Scan | $15 |
Black and White Dev Only | $8 |
Home-Made 35mm Rolls 24exp Ilford HP5+ | $8 |
Darkroom Rental (Hourly) | $20 |
Darkroom Lessons | $40 |
Enlarger | Accessories | Chemicals |
Beseler 45MXT | Patterson 35mm/120 Tank | Kodak HC-110 |
Besler 45S Dichro Head | SP-445 4×5 Tank | Ilford Multigrade Developer |
105mm Nikkor Lens | Ilford Splitgrade Filter set | Kodak Stop Bath |
135mm Nikkor Lens | 8×10 Development Trays | Ilford Rapid Fix |

4×6, 4×5, 4×4 | $1 |
5×7, 5×5 | $2 |
8×10, 8×8 | $5 |
13×19, 12×12, 10×10 | $10 |